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feedback control

İngilizce - Türkçe

Feedback control is a process used in various fields, including engineering, management, and science, to monitor and adjust a system's behavior in response to changes in its environment or inputs. It involves comparing the system's actual output to a desired or target output, and then taking corrective action to bring the actual output closer to the desired output.

Feedback control systems typically consist of three main components: a sensor or measurement device, a controller, and an actuator or output device. The sensor measures the system's output, and the controller compares it to the desired output and calculates an error signal. The actuator then uses this signal to adjust the system's behavior and bring it closer to the desired output.

Feedback control is widely used in engineering applications such as process control, robotics, and automation, where it can help ensure consistent and precise system performance. It is also used in management, where it can help organizations monitor and adjust their performance in response to changing market conditions or customer needs.
Feedback control has many advantages, including increased accuracy, improved stability, and reduced errors or deviations. However, it can also be complex and require careful design and tuning to ensure optimal performance. Additionally, feedback control systems may be susceptible to delays or noise in the feedback loop, which can affect their accuracy and responsiveness.

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